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Life around Meeting Street is always exciting and ever-changing. Last week, we filmed a marketing sizzle for a upcoming show entitled, Quantum Success. A talk show based on using universal laws and forces of the universe to better one’s life. It is hosted by Christy Whitman, a NY Times best seller and in general, a very intelligent and charismatic woman. Please check out her website to find out more on her concepts and keep your eyes on MSP’s website & social media for upcoming details about the show : ) Here are a few pictures from our shoot!

The Little Things

This experience has been amazing for a recent grad to get her start in the entertainment world, and maybe just the ‘real’ world in general. I know many people (we are not kids anymore, adults stop calling us kids. please and thank you) my age feel like a new 9 -5 lifestyle can be overwhelming and daunting, but finding little things that brighten your day. On the other hand, when you have been working the job for multiple years and the days seem to drag on. Here are some tips that I have researched and started incorporating into my life:

  1. Though your to-do could double as a novel, make the tasks smaller and do-able so they don’t seem as intimidating. Every time you check off a task, celebrate it as a victory.

  2. Take notes in a work meeting in a fun pen color.

  3. Change your computer screen background to a new picture of a place your saving to go on your next holiday.

  4. Re-organize your workspace. A clean desk is a clear & happy mind : )

  5. Eat lunch outside or near a window. Sometimes, days just get busy. Take time for yourself at lunch and de-stress.

  6. Other than work, find things that realize stress and make you excited for your day. I bought myself a french press, so every morning I am excited to wake up because my morning coffee is SOOO GOOD.

  7. Call a friend or family member you have not talked to in a while on your drive home from work. You will brighten your day and theirs!

  8. Isolate yourself from technology. Turn off your phone or computer and go for a walk, do a coloring book page, or read a book. Give your tv a break and do something new!

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